
It’s More Than Just Curvy

The thougthful and humorous architects, artists and designers, Gaetano Pesce is known for his unique and eccentric works. “I’ve always wanted to create things that can make people laugh.
I try to give my work a positive feeling,”
he said. According to Pesce, joy can be reflected in the shape of the curve, where the curve is closely related to creativity and play. Despite this fact, the antics of the Pesce designs contain a serious innovation. So let’s see why curved furniture is one to take home.

New Energy

Replacing large square sofas and chairs with curved C-shaped sections will give your room new energy. Curved furniture brings a modern and feminine feel, which matches contemporary interior design trends. More than just aesthetic, research has shown that curved furniture evokes a more relaxed vibe.

Easier Conversations

How annoying is it when you sit at one end of the couch and try to talk to someone at the other? You will feel very far away from each other. But in a curved sofa you don’t have to struggle to tilt your body that is
blocked by other people to talk to a colleague on the other end.

Mix and Match

Placing curved furniture in the room doesn’t mean you can’t combine them with other geometric patterns.
Curved furniture is easy to combine. Rather, the combination of both will present a variety of glances that are not boring.

And now is the time to clear up your doubts. Why not try playing with curved shapes in your home?
You can also play with lighting and natural touches to get an extraordinary look.

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