
Bedroom design is an important component of your home décor since this is the place where you first begin your day so it is important to get it right. Nobody said that styling a bedroom was easy. Sure it can be fun, like figuring out what color to splash on the walls. But remember that the end result needs to enhance calmness and be a space where you actually want to spend time.

Corner cramped bed

We understand that you want (and should) reserve the prominent spot in your bedroom for the bed, but the corner is far from it. It messes with the flow and makes it awkward to furnish the rest of the space.

Instead, relocate your bed to where it can have equal legroom on both sides, with only the headboard against the wall. That helps drive the message home that your bed is the centerpiece. 

In Frame: Sinse Bedframe

Missing a Rug

When you put a too-small rug under your bed, it throws off the proportions of the entire room. While it may not seem as important as bed size, the size of your rug in relation to your décor and furniture has an effect on design. Don’t be afraid to go big—choose a rug that’s significantly larger than your bed. When you can step comfortably out of bed onto your rug on all sides, you’ve found the right size.

In Frame: Jose Series Rug JS-12

Too Much Clutter

When your nightstand does not have storage, things start to pile up and create an unnecessary mess. It’s best to have nightstands with drawers that can hold books, chargers, and other necessities. We try to only use nightstands that have drawers with built-in chargers so there aren’t a lot of exposed cords. Of course, you should also commit to always returning everything to its proper place.

In Frame: Kura Bed Side Table

A Nightstand with Height Problem

When furniture proportions don’t match, like a too-tall / too-short nightstand for your bed, the entire room seems off. Bear this in mind when you take measurements of your bed’s height and take that precious data with you to the furniture store. 

In Frame: Akane Bedside Table

No Seating Spots

Yes, we sleep in our rooms, but we also sit. Even if you insist you don’t, think about how much time you spend putting on shoes, laying out your clothes for the next day, and so on.

And the greatest thing is that all you actually need is a basic bench at the foot of the bed (ideally with built-in storage drawers).

In Frame: Louise Lounge Chair

The Wrong Wall Colors

A bedroom should be a calming, serene space. And personal color preferences aside, loud colors like ruby red or lemon yellow won’t calm anybody. Choose a color scheme that works well together without clashing. Relaxing colors can be equally as comforting as neutral shades, so find a statement undertone that makes you feel calm and choose décor that complements it.

Rather opt for soothing colors like soft blues and greens, pastels, or one of the neutrals (whites, grays, beiges, etc.). And if you favor something more dramatic, try deep charcoal or navy. 

No Mirrors

Regardless of which room of the house we’re talking about, mirrors are about so much more than gussying up. They also serve to reflect light and provide more legroom, effectively making a small space appear larger.

So, do the right thing and purchase yourself a bedroom mirror. You have a lot of choices here: a full-length design on the back of the door; an oversized mirror against the wall; two wall-mounted pieces behind your nightstands; a smaller one over your dresser; a slim design occupying one corner…

In Frame: Beata Rug BT-07

Source: Homify.com, mydommaine.com

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